My Personality Type

Who am I?

This week I took a personally quiz. The sixty-four question test revealed that my personality type was ESFP. The E stands for extrovert the s stands for sensing the F stands for feeling and the P stands for perceive. I am energized but being with other people. I do better when I see a thing in front of me instead of imagining. I make decisions based of feelings rather than thinking it through. I perceive things and I don't judge them. There are many famous actors that have the same personality as me such as Justin Bieber and Beyonce 

Is this Really Me?

I think that this personality is pretty accurate. I do make all my designs based on feeling and I think that part is spot on. Also there are facts about the ESFP group and one of the acts is most likely to have a low bank account. I sadly suffer from this because I only have ten dollars in my bank account currently. The only thing I disagree on is the fact that I have less creative Ideas than Intuitive people. I disagree I believe I am very creative and have the mind of someone intuitive. This personality shows why I like working in groups rather than working alone. It also explain why i am so charismatic toward others. It also shows why I like team sports. I like to do things with people because I am extroverted. 

Does the really Fit Me?

This shows why I generally take a leadership role when I am in groups, because I make sure everyone is doing their job and make sure no one is left out. Sometimes though there are other people who want to take the leadership role so I back down and let them take it. I do that all the time because I have been a leader so many times and sometimes I just don't want to do it anymore. Also maybe the person wanting to be leader may be a better at leading the project than me. Sometimes personality clash with each other. It makes it difficult to work with others sometimes. But it makes you learn to accept people forth they really are. It also teaches you how to act around different personalities.

What Did I Learn?

I learned that I am different from everyone in my classroom. But thats okay because we need diversity. Diversity makes us stronger. I learned that some people may seem like one thing but really they are another. Someone may seem Introverted but is actually extraverted. I find that very interesting. I also learned a lot about myself. I learned that I perceive some things differently than others do. I find that very cool. I really enjoyed this activity.

One More Test

We took another personality quiz very recently. It is the LOGB personality test. I took this test and I got the otter. The otters new very social and enjoy popularity. I really identify with the otter. It says one of my weaknesses is that I talk too much which happens a lot, but I also think I fit the golden retriever personality because I am very loyal and I am very sensitive. I have a couple of deep relationships but not too many,I believe I fit both equally. I really liked this test I thought it was very fun. It was interesting to dive a little deeper into my personality.


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