
Hi! This week I sketch a flower twenty different times and then put it on illustrator. It was really difficult to sketch twenty different flowers. I didn't even know there were twenty different types of flowers! It took a long time to finish sketching since I really had to tap into my creative side. Each flower is completely unique and that was very difficult to do.

I did not know which one to re-create so I had to ask my friends and they chose flower five. Re creating the flower drawing on illustrator was very frustrating. It took me a long time to do because nothing would connect to each other. After asking for help from my peers I finally got it. I am not happy with the final product though. There are a lot blank spaces and it just docent look quite right. I used a pastel colors. Since I pictured the flower in a light and sunny area.

I do not like this picture. I don't think it is very pleasing to the eye and I feel as if I could do better than what I put out. Its not like I didn't try to make it look nice it just didn't turn out the way I wanted it to.  Next time I know I will do better and try harder to make it look nice. I do not want this to happen again.


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