My 10 strengths animation
The Project We stated working on this animation weeks ago. We started by figuring out what out ten strengths were. Then we began the project. On the first day we chose a picture that was not copyrighted to be our background. Then we spent a whole day and a half figuring out how we wanted our words to look. We had to put them in an organized fashion so they don't look like a jumble of words. Then we've spent the past two days animating the video. But this time we used the video timeline instead of using the create frame animation timeline. I think it made this project a lot easier. I finished the animation faster. What Did I Learn? I learned a fair amount. I knew how to use a lot of the tools because I make youtube videos. The software I use was very similar to photoshop. I learned how to add hue and saturation into the original photo. I also learned how to add the hue and saturation into the photo in the video. If that makes any sense. I learned about levels and how to u...