Final Blog

Our Final Project in e-Comm

Our final project this year was a group project. We had to come up with a product, and make up graphics and a website to go along with it. Then once we had done that we had to present our product and the website to other students in second hour e-Comm in a shark tank fashion. This project took an entire quarter. It took so long because we had around one week to do certain parts of the project. We spent the most amount of time working on our graphics for our company and our website. While working on the graphics we ran into some problems. Our team disagreed on the way the website graphics should look, we had to make many comprimises. Along the way I learned that you really need to listen to other peoples ideas, others ideas can really help make the content stronger an more visually appealing. My team got really good feedback, everyone said it was put together very well and it was really interesting. We had to change many things on our website and that is what we had to change the most. Think my fourth quarter work was definitely my best work.

How did I use my Time?

I have used my time in class very wisely. I have use the given time to do my best work for the team. I did everything I was supposed to do and even more because I had some leftover time. Sometimes when I had finished I would get off task and distracted,but my team members would tell me to focus and I would. If I ever got done early I would try and help my team with the website because we struggled the most with that. I came in  few times after school to work on the 3D animation for the project. Wanted to make sure that it was really good and the best work I could do.

Room for Improvment

 I maximised my strengths this quarter by helping a to with the filming process of the commercial. My strength is filming videos and coming up with the ideas. So I made sure I was behind the camera while we were filming the commercial. I need to improve on my video editing skills very badly. I plan on editing more next year and that will definatley help me improve my skills.


This semester the ting I loved most was my team. They were all really nice and funny and very enjoyable, I am very glad I met them. I would have maybe worked a little harder if I would I feel as if I trued really hard but I did not do my best in all areas. I revived all five of the e-Comm guarantees from this semester. My goal for next year to to become a much better artist. If i was a better artist then this program would become much easier. I am very glad I could participate in this and I am excited for my e-Comm years to come.


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